15 Ways to Use Daily Joy™  with Your Children

April 20, 2020

15 Ways to Use Daily Joy™  with Your Children

While our kiddos are home, I have found that I have a lot less time to myself. I have heard others say (as well as have thought to myself) that we don't seem to have time to spend with the Lord. What if instead of letting go of our Quiet Time, we used this opportunity to model to our children how we seek the Lord?  It may not be as "quiet" as usual, but I'm praying that this time is fruitful.

I created this list as a way to spur on ideas to use your Daily Joy™ with your children.  Please don't see this as one more thing to add to your list of things to do, but instead I pray it's an invitation to bring our children into our world.  💕


1.  In the PRAISE SECTION, choose an attribute of God and read the Bible verses as a family.  Praise God for who HE is.

2.  In the PRAISE SECTION, brainstorm new characteristics of God and add them to His character list.

3.  In the PRAISE SECTION, choose a praise song you like and worship as a family.  Write down key words to meditate on.


4.  In the CONFESSION SECTION, share with one another one way you have been convicted and apologize to each other.

5.  In the THANKSGIVING SECTION, brainstorm things you are thankful for and record them.  Try to be specific and create new things each day. 

6.  In the THANKSGIVING SECTION, go back and share ways God has blessed you in the past.  Remember what He has done for you!

7.  In the SCRIPTURE SECTION, list verses that are meaningful to you and choose one to memorize as a family.

8.  In the SCRIPTURE SECTION, choose a topic (health, joy, peace, etc) and everybody choose a verse to write down and encourage someone you love.  Make cards or just write on a notecard and send to that person.

9.  In the SUPPLICATION SECTION, each day, choose a word from the ongoing prayer list and pray that character trait over each other.

10.  In the SUPPLICATION SECTION, use the monthly calendar, and write down names of family and friends that you could pray for.  Each day, you could reach out to the person on that list and tell them you are praying for them.

11.  In the SUPPLICATION SECTION, go the weekly section and write down prayer requests for people you'd like to pray for that week.  

12.  In the SUPPLICATION SECTION, use the list and pick one group each week to pray specifically for.  Reach out to them and see ways you could pray specifically for them.

13. In the SURRENDER SECTION, have each person write down on the perforated sheets of paper, one thing they would like to surrender.  If they have a Surrender™ Cross, have them nail it to the Cross. 

14.  In the NOTES SECTION, have each person write down something they have learned from their Bible reading, sermon they listened to, or something that the Holy Spirit has been teaching them.

15.  In ANY SECTION, grab some colored pencils or crayons and color with your kids.  Put on some praise music and enjoy being still together!

 Praying this is a resource that blesses you!  How have you used Daily Joy™ with your children? 

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