Lessons in Prayer: Part 2

June 19, 2020

Lessons in Prayer: Part 2

In the last blog, I shared about how we learn to pray by actually praying.  

James 5:16 reminds us that the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective.  Our prayers are powerful because we are serving a POWERFUL God! 

There have been times when I’m praying that I realize that I had inadvertently begun to pray without hope.  Instead of remembering that I was praying to the God of the Universe - the God that could do ANYTHING - I prayed in a limited way. 

I think we need to stop and remember that we are praying to the God who split the Red Sea and raised Lazarus from the dead.  He formed the majestic mountains and created humankind with just His breath. This is the God we are praying to, and the fact that He wants a personal relationship with us is humbling!!  Isn’t it amazing that the Lord Almighty longs to hear our voice?   

Psalm 5:3 says, "In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; In the morning, I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly." I love this verse as it reminds me how we don't want to get complacent in our prayers, but instead remember that we should pray with expectancy, knowing that the Lord can answer our prayers!

Let’s remember WHO we are praying to and PRAY BIG to our BIG God - to whom NOTHING is impossible! 

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